Fosse Meadow

Fosse Meadow

These were all taken during a walk around fosse meadow.

I began by shooting the flooding

This could be used to emote feelings of peacefulness and calm.

I like the composition of this image. It brings back memories of walking through the country side. An experience most people are familiar with. This could create a good montage if blended well.

I feel that many times through the project I have photographed my subject in a manner that later makes it difficult to add other components. I feel that although this image has potential it is somewhat limited.

This photo of grass almost completely submerged by the water will be an excellent texture for an image

Potential backdrop

I like the sun silhouetting the very tops of the trees, and the way they lean across to the right.

Close up of the tree's bark. Thinking back to work's by Minor White Perhaps a montage of macro images would be successful.

shot looking into the trees and darkness of the canopy

looking out from the canopy into the light clearing. 

Another Macro image that could be used in a montage.

I wanted to get at least one wide shot through the trees

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