March Sky


For me the best part about taking photographs of the sky is when the sun bursts through a break in the clouds like this. The rooftops beneath become silhouetted and almost looks as if it could be a montage already.

Here I was surprised by the brightness above the cloud and the small light breaking through in the distance.

I zoomed in for a closer view of the light, making it portrait to get the top of the cloud and the light above.

landscape shot of the light sheets.


Taken from tudor road, just after the snow.

a full shot for a cloud piece

Shot's like these are why I love to shoot with natural light. Although the sky is over exposed, I am pleased with the lighting on the rooftops. The over exposure is also non important as I can alter/replace the sky whilst in Photoshop.

reshot to get the correct sky exposure

This mirror could be used as an interesting component for an image

I've taken this as I need a wide range of images that have similar components here the widow, water droplets and clouds return, but with a very different feel.


I have become aware of how much impact the sky and weather have on the atmosphere in these images. The contrast in colours and tone have significant range. 

I like the blues and oranges of the sunset, also the position of the sun by the spire as the clouds begin to touch above.

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