London Trip Two

I decided to go on another shoot in London. I have decided that as well as images of the sunset and dusk I needed images of the sunrise and early morning light.

These were taken in camden by the riverside.

This photo was taken at 1/10 shutter speed to create a blur. I wanted to give it a surreal or dreamlike quality. 

here I've gone for a reflection shot. 

tilted frame to bring in diagonal lines.

When I saw this house, it reminded me of Uelsmann's image of trees and a house. There was a great reflection in the water this image fits in well with the symmetrical effect that I've included.

After photographing along the riverside I followed the sunlight to search for where the light was lowest

Which led me to this corner where the sun streams from round the bend.

Sunrise:1/2000 f.8

I like the bizarre angle in this image. The upward twist with the red tree leaves.

On the way back from the shoot I continued to find interesting lighting. Here the light came across the streets in shafts.

In retrospect I can see that this image will probably be too dominating in a montage.

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